Master Cura Post-Processing: Filament Swaps & 3D Print Magic!

Alright! Buckle up, tech enthusiasts, it’s Carolina here, your go-to techie gal! I’m here to dive deep into the wonders of Cura, unraveling the intricacies of its features and just why they’re an absolute game-changer for 3D printing enthusiasts like you and me. Ready? Let’s get started!


The world of Cura offers a myriad of ingenious functionalities, among which the intriguing post-processing scripts shine bright. One such magical script empowers you to switch up your filament in the middle of a print, and believe me, there’s more where that came from. Stay tuned, and I’ll walk you through the steps to harness these post-processing marvels.

So, you ask, “Carolina, which fabulous Cura Post-Processing Scripts are at my disposal?” And here they are:

– Change at Z
– Color Mix
– Create Thumbnail
– Display Filename and Layer on LCD
– Display Progress on LCD
– Filament Change
– Insert at Layer Change
– Pause at Height
– Retract Continuation
– Time Elapse
– Use Earlier Probe Assessments

Eager to dive in? Just hover over to the Extensions bar on the top and navigate to Post-Processing > Tweak G-Code.

By using these scripts, you’re essentially empowering your 3D model’s G-Code to pull off particular tasks during its print. For instance, with the Change at Z script, you can tweak your print’s configurations once it hits a particular height. Similarly, the Pause at Height feature halts your model at your chosen height, awaiting your command to kick things off again.

Moreover, Cura blesses you with scripts that let you alter your model’s material properties. Take the Color Mix feature, designed especially for Dual Extruder single nozzle setups. This little trick lets you merge different filament hues, giving birth to a brand-new shade!

For those keen on tracking their print’s progress, scripts like Display Progress on LCD and Display Filename and Layer on LCD are perfect. And if you’re someone with a knack for tweaking codes, you can even fine-tune these scripts or, better yet, craft a brand-new one tailored just for you.

Now, here’s a fantastic tidbit: a user innovated a script named the 3DPrintColorizer that cleverly employs multiple sharpies to color a 3D print while it’s being crafted. Fascinating, right?

Allow me to guide you through some of the most commonly utilized scripts in more detail:

Change At Z:
The Change at Z Script is your go-to when you wish to alter specific print settings once your print achieves a certain layer or height. You can employ multiple iterations of this script to adjust the printer’s configurations at distinct heights.

Display Filename and Layer On LCD:
With this script, your printer’s LCD will showcase the 3D model’s filename and the ongoing layer it’s printing. Want to tweak it further? Here’s how:

Text To Display:
This setting permits you to revise the text shown on the LCD. By default, it displays the 3D model’s filename, but any text you punch into this box will replace that.

Initial Layer:
Choose how you wish to commence layer numbering. Opting for 0 starts the count from Layer 0, while selecting 1 initiates from Layer 1.

Display Max Layer:
Besides showcasing the file name and ongoing layer number, this setting reveals the total number of layers in your print.

Filament Change:
This script temporarily halts the print, allowing you to interchange filaments right in the midst of the printing process. This feature is a blessing for those aiming to craft multi-colored prints using a singular extruder and nozzle.

The list goes on! From Insert at Layer Change Script to Pause at Height Script, Retract Tower Script, Speed Tower Script, and the mesmerizing Time Lapse Script, Cura is packed with utilities that can elevate your 3D printing game to the next level.

Oh, and for those keen on jazzing things up with a mid-print color swap, the Filament Change Script is your magic wand. Just set it up, and watch the magic unfold, just like I did with my recent vase print!

To wrap this up, Cura’s post-processing scripts are not just functionalities; they’re tools that weave magic into your 3D printing projects. So, dive in, experiment, and let your creations shine!

Happy 3D Printing, tech-lovers!