How to Make Your 3D Prints Waterproof and Airtight

Crafting 3D designs that stand against water and air is a quest many embark upon, and some ponder its very feasibility. But, dear reader, let Carolina enlighten you: Achieving waterproof 3D creations is entirely doable with the right guide in hand. When you go for models with a 150% flow rate, a significant layer height, and a broader nozzle, you’re on track to craft designs that resist both water and air. Turning up your printing temperature is key to ensuring the layers bond, reducing any gaps. Enhance your design’s efficacy by finishing with an epoxy resin coating. Stick with me, and I’ll guide you through the nuances of perfecting your waterproof 3D crafts!


Is Making 3D Prints Waterproof & Airtight Doable? Can They Retain Liquid?
Creating a 3D object capable of storing water for extended durations without any leakage is genuinely achievable. Typically, standard 3D prints aren’t impervious to water due to the tiny voids present throughout the design inherent to the 3D printing technique. It’s vital to use a design tailored to be sealed off.

The reality is, most 3D creations aren’t designed to hold water. This is because the 3D printing process involves layering, and there are instances when the nozzle may encounter obstructions, leading to design flaws. These flaws can manifest as minute or noticeable gaps in your creation. A significant layer height can further compromise the precision of your design, which might affect its waterproof and airtight properties.

But fret not! There’s a remedy to ensure your 3D designs are both waterproof and sealed. It ranges from selecting an ideal design, fine-tuning your slicer settings, to refining the design post